Curriculum Vitae
Masters Level Courses- Alchimia Contemporary Jewelry School, Florence, Italy
Bachelor of Fine Arts- Metalsmithing/Jewelry- University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Global Awareness Program Certificate- University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Chasing & Repousse Intensive- Arrowmont School of Arts & Crafts, Gatlinburg, TN
Art Metals I & II- Central Texas Community College, Killeen, TX
Bachelor of Arts- Spanish
University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA
“L&SCAPE”– Cider Gallery, Lawrence, Kansas (Invited)
Beyond Words Literary Magazine– Photograph Publication (Juried, Forthcoming)
“Exhibition in Motion: Grit to Gold” (Juried, International)– Society of North American Goldsmiths 2020 Runway Exhibition, Philadelphia, PA
Photograph Publication (Juried)– Polaris Undergraduate Journal of Arts & Literature
"Arte y Parte", Studio Squina, Madrid Craft Week
“Exhibition in Motion: Aurum” (Juried, International)– Society of North American Goldsmiths 2019 Runway Exhibition, Chicago, IL
Society of North American Goldsmiths Graduating Student Showcase (Juried)
Artist Spotlight (Juried, Photography)– Sink Hollow Literary Journal, Vol. VIII
LibArt Student Art Exhibit (Juried)– University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KS
Department of Visual Arts Senior BFA Exhibition– University of Kansas Art & Design Gallery, Lawrence, KS
“HERE” – Spencer Museum of Art Exhibition (Juried)– University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas
Enamelist Society: InFlux (Juried)- Online
Visual Arts Scholarship Exhibition (Invitational)– University of Kansas Art & Design Gallery
Metalsmithing & Jewelry Design Showcase (Invited)– University of Kansas Art & Design Gallery
“Art Attack” Group Exhibit (Invitational)– Art Emergency, Lawrence, Kansas
LibArt: Student Art Exhibit, Issue VI (Juried)– University of Kansas Libraries, Lawrence, KSLied Center Student Art Exhibit (Juried)– Lied Center for Performing Arts, Lawrence, KS
Photograph Publication (Juried)– Sink Hollow Undergraduate Literary Journal Vol. VII
Visual Arts Scholarship Exhibition (Invitational)– University of Kansas,Department of Visual Arts, Lawrence, KS
Student Union Association Wearable Art Exhibition (Invitational)- University of Kansas, Lawrence, KS
Women's Jewelry Association June Herman Scholarship Award
1ST Place Juror’s Cash Award- Landon Center on Aging “Images of Aging” Photo ContestBest in Show & Honorable Mention- LibArt Student Art Exhibit, University of Kansas
1ST Place Juror’s Cash Award- Jack and Lavon Brosseau Student Education Award, Spencer Museum of Art, University of Kansas
Juror’s Cash Award- Sherin H. Custer Memorial Award, University of Kansas
Merit Scholarship- McGrath Scholarship, University of Kansas
Merit Scholarship- Collard Scholarship, University of Kansas
Merit Scholarship- Bushong Scholarship, University of Kansas
Merit Scholarship- Burrows Scholarship, University of Kansas
Endowment Award- School of the Arts, University of Kansas
Stanionis Cash Award- Department of Visual Arts, University of Kansas
2nd Place Cash Award- Student Union Activities Wearable Arts Exhibition, University of KansasEndowment Award- School of the Arts, University of Kansas
Juror’s Cash Award- Sherin H. Custer Memorial Award, University of Kansas
Merit Scholarship- Nadine Bishop Meyn Scholarship, University of Kansas
Merit Scholarship- FNA Maiden Family Scholarship, University of Kansas
Student Scholarship- Society of North American Goldsmiths
8/19-1/20 Fall Intern- Cider Gallery, Lawrence, KS1/19-05/19 Studio Assistant- Gina Westergard, Assistant Professor of Metals, University of Kansas
5/10-Present Owner/Operator- Charity Poole Design, Handcrafted Artisan Jewelry
Mary Raivel & Mary Fissell, "Coming of Age: Next-Career Artists", Metalsmith Magazine Vol. 40 No. 2
Hannah Lemon, "Participate in annual One Day. One KU. campaign to change a lifetime in just 24 hours", KU Edwards Blog, January 30, 2020
Tiana Witmer, “KU metalsmithing program helps students to believe in themselves, sell their artwork”, The University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, KS, September 18, 2019, Arts & Culture
Hayley Michel, “Local art gallery to display work of seven KU seniors in 'Art Attack' exhibition”, The University Daily Kansan, Lawrence, Kansas, March 25, 2019, Arts & Culture